
We need your support

We are renovating the House to ensure the future of our house for generations to come. Our rich heritage is built upon generations of Theta Delts who have passed through its halls. Maintaining and upgrading our House is necessary to thrive in the competitive Penn State ecosystem.

We broke the project down into three phases: In phase 1, we raised $600k of the $1 million goal. That was to frame the addition to the back of the house to improve the bathrooms, make the house ADA compliant, add HVAC for the 2nd and 3rd floor, new foundation under the addition, and extend the basement. Phase 2, which we are actively fundraising, is for structural improvements to the first floor, sun deck, and a complete basement renovation. This includes a new study hall, training room, event, and party room. The last phase will be renovating the 2nd and 3rd floor hallways and bedrooms.

Please make a financial contribution today so that we can continue to support the brotherhood for another century

The Brotherhood thanks you!

recurring donation

flexible donation

Legacy Donations

Cement your legacy with Theta Delta Chi, and be remembered for your generosity and commitment to our Brotherhood for generations. Contact us directly at for more information.

Brother Testimonials

thumb_01_120_120I was very pleased to see you guys brought home the Victory Cup – the last time that happened was the year after Bill Guzic was President and I was Treasurer. It seems clear that you are working hard to preserve our charge and that you deserve my support. It also seemed like a good way to honor Bill Long – a great brother and friend.”
Rich DePippo

thumb_01_120_120I chose to donate to Theta Delta Chi to help continue the legacy of brotherhood. The bonds and friendships I developed at Theta Delt have lasted decades. It’s really that simple.”
Jay Sivigny

thumb_01_120_120Theta Delta Chi, whether at home on Prospect or in league with the International, has been an important part of my life and experience. The bonds I’ve made when there, and since, have made it possible to travel ‘the road less traveled.’ So, of course, when a brother personally reached out to get support, I had to honor that pledge I made more than 20 years ago. …to the Old Lady.”
Jason Dietz